Best Solar Panel Solution

Generate Your Own Electricity

Solar Panel Solution

Solar Panel Solution

Get a NEW Solar Panel System

Using Smart Batteries
Monitor Your Usage and SAVINGS
Reduce Your Dependance on Electricty Providers
All installations are guaranteed

Limited time offer

Proven track record

Stop worrying about your energy bill


Use FREE solar energy


Use batteries to store your energy

  • Complete the form in 30 seconds
  • Install the solar panels in days
  • Access your battery information via an App
  • Stop worrying about your electricity consumption
  • Use FREE solar energy
  • Store any unused enerrgy in your battery
  • Latest technology available
  • See how much you can SAVE

Instant Postcode check.

Only some areas are covered by our qualified solar panel fitter partner.
We 100% Guarantee that if your area is covered, you’ll be contacted and informed by our partner. Therefore you need to enter your postcode and we will see if our solar panel fitter services your area. Our partner will let you know if any of the solar panel specialists can supply and install your new solar panels on your roof and give you a FREE quote.

Contact us now:

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How are we different?

We believe that installing solar panels should significantly reduce your energy consumption.

In some exception, the solar panels will simply not generate sufficient savings compared to the installation costs. We would then inform you that you should not continue with the project.

The latest technology allows panels to use ambient light to generate electricity. In effect, this means that your solar panels need to be exposed to light and not necessarily be oriented towards the sun.

Previously, your roof, to be efficient, needed to be of a certain orientation. Now, it simply needs to be exposed to light.

We pride ourselves to ensure that the solar panel installation are fit to generate sufficient energy for you. We will guide you to make sure you make the most of the solar energy available.

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Why use Solar Panel Solution?

We pride ourselves in being efficient and making sure that you get the solar panels that will fit your house and electricity consumption.


As such our solar panel partner looking after you holds all the required qualifications and insurance. Most importantly your solar panel expert will guide you through the process.

The guarantees on the solar panels and the workmanship will be explained. You will also receive a detailed description of your expected savings and maintenance requirements.

  • Do you want a NEW solar panel system?
  • Do you own your home?
  • Affordability. The solar panels are not free, but you will reduce your energy bills.

It really is that simple. Complete the "Contact US" form in 30 seconds and find out when you can get solar panels.

Can we service your area?

Maximum confort, quick and quality


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Why should you use solar panels

It is really quite simple, the recent events have increased the costs of running a home. Electricity price rise have put family under increased pressure to be able to budget adequately.

Using solar panels will reduce your electricity bills. When the panels are generating electricity, your household can use the energy from the solar panels, rather than buying it fro the grid and your electricity provider.

If you do not use all the electricity generated by the solar panels, the solar panels will store that extra energy in smart batteries to be used at a later time. This means that you can use the stored energy in the evenings and night, reducing the reliance on your energy provider.

This all means that you generate your own electricity and reduce your carbon footprint.

Types of roofs

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New Built

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Flat Roofs

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Apex Roofs

How it Works

  • 1. Complete the online form
  • 2. Speak with your solar panel specialist
  • 3. Set-up an appointment
  • 4. The solar panel specialist will guide you through your options
  • 5. Set-up an installation date
  • 6. Sit back and relax

What is important

You need to keep all the relevent paperwork

The solar panels is guaranteed as per the manufacturer's warranty. The work and installation is guaranteed as per the paperwork that will be provided

Keep a hold of our details should any of your friends of family require a new solar panel system.

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Free to apply, free to check online

Find out by completing the form in under 30 seconds if you can benefit from the offer. Our roofing specialist partner will contact you and give you further details about the promotion.

Contact us Now

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